Sunday, January 27, 2013

P-Day 28 January 2013

Third baptism, Matilda Holstein, baptized by her home teacher Josh Smith in Hobart ward. 19 years old. Josh just got his call to serve in Brisbane, Australia. Both his parents served there.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

First day at the MTC.

MTC district. I love these guys!

The famous and "required" MTC map photo! :)

Elder Garrett and me. He is one of my best friends!

Elder Garrett beat boxing!

Flying into Sydney!

All the new missionaries the day I arrived.


First baptism on my mission. Wade Johns in Glen Huon ward. 10 years old.

The view from the back window of our appartment.

Christmas party at Sister Alexander's house!

 Second baptism Chen Jiaxuan. (Eric) In Hobart Ward. From Shanghai China. 24 years old.

My birthday party at the Reed's house!
Elder Aroita popped the conffetti popper right at the perfect time.